Cover to Cover: Come Be with Me
Posted: January 22nd, 2013 | Author: Max Romero | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »One of my favorite things to do is prowl used book stores (something that’s getting harder to do here in Austin — another one just closed!). And in between infinite copies of The Shack and endless piles of Harlequin Romance, there is occasionally a gem, something so unexpected it brushes gently alongside the poetic.
But really, I should let a master’s work speak for itself. I give you the verse of … Leonard Nimoy.
Rocket ships
Are exciting
But so are roses
On a birthday
Computers are exciting
But so is a sunset
And logic
Will never replace
Sometimes I wonder
Where I belong
In the future
In the past
I guess I’m just
An old-fashioned
You’re right, Mr. Nimoy — with poetry like that, who needs to design something for the back cover? Who could see through tear-and-wonder filled eyes?! Just sign that sucker and move on; it belongs to the ages, now.
Come Be with Me Poem: “Rocket Ships” Cover design: SandPiper Studios, Inc. 1979 edition (Blue Mountain Press)
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