‘The tomb! It is open!’
Posted: April 8th, 2012 | Author: Max Romero | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: holiday | No Comments »As I might have mentioned before, I’m not a particularly religious person. While I was raised as a hybrid Methodist/Catholic (don’t ask), I was also raised by parents who encouraged open-mindedness, personal responsibility and an attitude toward church that could be summed up with an indifferent shrug.
Which isn’t to say I necessarily have any disdain for religion. When viewed as philosophy I think many religions have a lot of positive thought to offer (I won’t get into where I think the problems start, but let’s just say human nature tends to be far from divine). And as a kid there was a period in my life when I was thinking about Christianity a lot, and I had plenty of questions. To help me find some of the answers — and probably to get them out of their hair once in a while — my parents got me The Picture Bible, which is basically a comic book version of the usually impenetrable classic Christian bible. As rendered by scripter Iva Hoth and artist Andre LeBlanc, the Picture Bible simplifies the language and convoluted storyline, puts faces to the names, and turns the Greatest Story Ever Told into something you might actually want to read.
When I was a kid, I pored over it. It seems pretty distant nowadays, but I can’t deny my sorta-spiritual upbringing or my fondness for this edition of the Bible, which introduced me to a particular brand of morality and God’s Own Superheroes. (Seriously, that whole Samson thing? Awesome.) Whatever your own religious leanings may be, I hope you’ll enjoy this kinda famous tale-to-astonish presented the way God intended — as a comic book.
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